How many times did you consider quitting golf in 2024?

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We’ve all had those frustrating rounds where we swore we’d give up the game, only to come back again. How many times did you make this vow in 2024?

Golf can be tough, and sometimes you just want to walk away... for a little while, anyway. How often did you find yourself saying, “That’s it! I’m done!” in 2024?

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How many times did you consider quitting golf in 2024?
1. Not once – I love every minute!
70% Complete
0 %
2. Once or twice – I got over it
70% Complete
0 %
3. A few too many
70% Complete
0 %
4. Every round – but I’m still here!
70% Complete
0 %
5. I’m currently on the verge…
70% Complete
0 %


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